The 65+ league is playing the 2025 season at McCord Park in Worthington with artificial turf infields. Click here for a map of the new field layout. This year's 65+ doubleheader games will be played on Friday mornings at 9:30 AM beginning May ?. Players over 64 years old or turning 64 during 2025 are eligible. For more information, please contact Gary Hattery at ghattery@columbus.rr.com or 614-949-2447

    Worthington Parks and Rec Rules for McCord Park:
  • ONLY Molded cleats, turf shoes, or athletic shoes are allowed on the field turf. Metal cleats (baseball, etc.) are not allowed on or around the field turf
  • Do not hit, throw, or kick any balls into the fence/netting, or climb on or over the fence/netting
  • The following items are PROHIBITED in the dugout or on the fields: Sunflower Seeds, Peanuts, Gum, Food, Tobacco use of any kind, Sports drinks and other beverages (except water), Pets (except Service Dogs), Sharp objects (spikes, poles, or stakes), Motorized vehicles or bicycles
  • No athletic equipment is to be dragged across the field at any time; must be lifted and carried
  • The field is to be left as it was found. This includes removal/replacement of equipment brought or moved onto the turf. Each team is responsible for removing anything that was carried onto the field

    Weather impacts:

  • Artificial turf fields are hotter than natural fields
  • Fields cannot be used when there is standing water in the grass or when frost or snow is present on the turf
  • WPRD reserves the right to close fields when conditions warrant and will communicate closures via the Sports Line.
  • Worthington Parks and Rec Sports Line is 614-786-7366
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